Monday, April 29, 2024


#AtoZChallenge 2024 letter Y 
What else could I come up with but yeast? Who doesn't like a delicious loaf of homemade, whole grain bread? Yum!

It's been awhile since I made bread. I used to make it often when my children were young. I'd mix it by hand, and knead it by hand, and form the loaves, then pop them into the oven. A few years back, I splurged and got a bread machine. My middle son got pretty good at making bread in it. I even had a mill, to grind wheat into flour. I passed that on to my middle son a couple years ago.

Yeast can also be used to make pizza dough. My middle son can make a delicious pizza dough now, too! 

Besides baking yeast, there is also nutritional yeast, often called brewer's yeast. It's packed with B vitamins! It has a somewhat cheesy flavor, which makes it good in making cashew "cheese," or parmesan "cheese." It's also delicious sprinkled on popcorn! That's my daughter's favorite way to use nutritional yeast.

Maybe you'd like to try some the next time you pop up a bowl of popcorn1 (By the way, I think it can be found at most stores. I know we can find it at Publix in town. Otherwise, you can order it on Amazon.)

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