Monday, April 15, 2024

Menu Planning

#AtoZChallenge 2024 letter M

I remember several years ago in the blogosphere, Menu Plan Monday was a big thing. I don't see it around so much anymore. I even just spent (too much) time looking for current Meal Plan Monday blog posts and link ups, but I don't think I found any. Some are hard to tell if they're current, because there is no post date. So, if you know of current Menu Plan Monday posts and link ups, please share them with me!

I'm not faithful in menu planning. I'd like to be, but I just have never succeeded in accomplishing and maintaining that task. Would anyone like to join me in this quest, and be my accountability partner? Especially if you're also whole food plant based/vegan would I be extra grateful.

One "trick" I learned many years ago, is to take a sheet of printer paper, fold it in half length wise, then fold it in half, and half again. That way you end up with eight spaces when you unfold it. Mark your spaces Sunday through Saturday (Sabbath), and the eighth space, you could use to write a Bible passage in, or inspirational quote.
Of course you can find online several menu plans and planners. Some cost money; some may be free. I've used Emeals, and I've used Plan to Eat. As I've said, I'm not consistent enough with menu planning to want to spend money on something. 😏

Do you practice menu planning? I'd like to hear about it.


  1. I love meal planning! I plan for two weeks at a time to coincide with grocery shopping on/after payday. It can e easy to get into a rut without realizing it. I love going through recipes and deciding what to make and finding ways to use up extra ingredients from one meal in another or making something a little different with leftovers. sometimes it's overwhelming if I'm busy, but I'm always glad I did it later. Saves a lot of time, frustration, and money!

    1. I agree, it probably does save time, and especially money, in the long run. I guess just call me lazy! LOL


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